martes, 30 de enero de 2018

"PEACE" all over the World

Today, 30th January 2018, some students told us how to say "peace " in many different countries. Many ways but just one idea: peace is important, no matter where you live or how you say it.
Others made many other things, but all shared their wish for peace.

The Legend of the Thousand Cranes gave us the chance to work together, the whole school community, both in class and at home, trying to make a thousand paper cranes. All of them were hung at the school entrance. They look fantastic and the whole ceremony was enjoyed by everybody. Some students wrote beautiful words and we even sang a song together.

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Back to life!

After several years hibernating, this blog comes back to life!!! 
It will help us show what is going on at our English Department and school. 
It will also help us share some interesting tools and resources. 
Welcome back !